How To Buy a Home This Summer, One of the Most Competitive Seasons Ever for the Housing Market
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·2 min read

Temperatures aren't the only thing that's hot this summer. The housing market is blazing all over the country. So if you plan to shop for a home this season, take note of these four tips to help you close the deal.

#1 Less Choices

Inventory levels are the lowest they have ever been throughout the country.  This means fewer properties to choose from multiple offers been the norm, not the exception. 

You should work with an agent that is super focused on your property search and know what properties are off the market and as well know formally know what is about to come on.

#2 Be Flexible

In a tight market, it might take longer to secure your home. Less inventory means more buyers for each property. 

Allow yourself more time on the house than you thought. Plan for temporary accommodation.  As a seller, they want to close sooner, it needs to stay in the property a couple of months past closing.

#3 Put Your Best Foot Forward

As the old saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. And in the current Real Estate Market, these hold true.

Be prepared to present your best offer the first time. This is no time to hold back, as the seller is likely receiving numerous offers, and may not counter or give a buyer a chance to amend their offer.

#4 Show Me the Money

Have your pre-approval letter and proof of funds ready. All should be easy to read and understand where the money is coming from.

If you are getting a mortgage, is a good idea to get it fully approved by an underwriting/lender before making an offer in order to present as a strong and financial picture as possible.

Let The Pagani Group Lead the process for you!

The Pagani Group,

Direct Cell: +1-305-767-5919


Exclusive Agent for LP Global Realty

2501 South Ocean Dr. Suite C-14

Hollywood FL 33019



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